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Chairpersons Annual Report

Annual Report 2023
This year has seen a return to our normal programme of meetings and activities for all the sections within the Group. However, this has also been combined with changes in the leadership teams in some sections, resulting in a reduction in our number of leaders. 

Fund raising has got of to a slow start, with only our annual Scarecrow Trail being the only event. This, however, did raise a substantial sum for our funds.   

The replacement of our kitchen has taken a lot of time and hard work by our volunteers, and at long last, finished to a very high standard. Many thanks to all those involved. Now we are looking at the next project of restructuring the toilet facilities to make them more appropriate to the young people whom we serve.   

We want to thank all leaders for their continuing support, and to all our parents/guardians in ensuring that the young people continue to enjoy their membership of the Group.   

Restricted funds held at the end of the year, are surplus monies received for camps from previous years held for new equipment.

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